Walking Tours

American Heroes - 2015
This originally guided walking tour highlights thirteen Veterans from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam.
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Carved in Stone, J.W. Jungkurth - Coming Summer of 2015
This tour will highlight markers engraved by the German immigrant stone carver J.W. Jungkurth and his
children. Mr. Jungkurth owned the local quarry behind present day Wagnalls Memorial so much of the stone came from there.
Self-Guided Walking History Tour - by Eagle Scout David Wisner
This tour was developed by David for his Eagle Scout service project.
This originally guided walking tour highlights thirteen Veterans from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam.
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Carved in Stone, J.W. Jungkurth - Coming Summer of 2015
This tour will highlight markers engraved by the German immigrant stone carver J.W. Jungkurth and his
children. Mr. Jungkurth owned the local quarry behind present day Wagnalls Memorial so much of the stone came from there.
Self-Guided Walking History Tour - by Eagle Scout David Wisner
This tour was developed by David for his Eagle Scout service project.